We’re thrilled that Franklin County is now at a Level 2 (Orange), so we have added utility blowouts back into our service offering!
safety with luxury Archives - PHILOSOPHI SALON
Orange Means Utility Blowouts are Back!!!
We’re thrilled that Franklin County is now at a Level 2 (Orange), so we have added utility blowouts back into our service offering!
What happened to my blowouts…and when will they be back?
We’ve fielded lots of questions since salons reopened in Ohio, many about our safety practices and our at-home color kits. But the winner, the most frequently asked question, is some version of “When can I get a blowout?”
Oh, how we miss you!
You can not imagine how much we miss you. Any additional time just allows us to be better prepared, and more fastidious in our safety. Find out what you can do for your stylist or the salon commitment during the tough times!